Student Vaccination Clinic A Student Vaccination Clinic will be held on each school site. See attached flyer for individual location, date, and time. Please email [email protected] to get started.
Letter to Whittier Union Families Last week we opened our doors to over 10,000 students in our schools with a great deal of success.
2021-22 Welcome Back Letter to Families We are now less than two weeks away from the opening of our schools for the 2021-2022 school year and Whittier Union is committed to reopening fully and safely.
Monthly Update - July 2021 Read about how each of our school sites have been preparing for the start of the 2021-22 school year!
Request to Change a 2020-21 Grade to Pass/No Pass Request to Change a 2020-21 Grade to Pass/No Pass / Petición Para el Cambio de Calificaciones de Cursos del Año Escolar 2020-2021 a “Aprobado” o a “No aprobado”
Monthly Update - June 2021 Read more about the celebrations that took place over the month of June at Whittier Union High School District!
WUHSD Fall, 2021 Return to In-Person Learning Good afternoon! Whittier Union HSD is excited to announce that it is our intention to return to full-time, in-person instruction for the fall semester, which begins August 12.