Monthly Update - July 2020 Read about how the Whittier Union family achieves excellence together and celebrated the Class of 2020!
Whittier Union Re-Opening Survey for Parents Please click read full story to complete the re-opening survey.
Grade Change Form Students may choose to change their Semester 2 grade from a traditional letter grade (A,B,C or D) to a Pass (P) for any of their classes. Please click 'Read Full Story' to fill out the form before June 30, 2020.
Monthly Update - June 2020 Read about our commitment to ensuring students succeed and achieve excellence.
District Re-Opening Survey As we make plans for our phased approach to our schools’ re-opening, we are seeking input from our parents and guardians. Thank you in advance for providing us feedback as we work on developing our re-opening plan. Please click 'Read Full Story' to complete the survey.
Monthly Update - May 2020 Read about how the Whittier Union family achieves excellence together and celebrates the Class of 2020!